Nordic Walking Poles & The Nordic Kiwi Philosophy

To get the most out of your Nordic Walking poles - whether you are using them for exercise to improve your health and fitness, for an event, recreation or hiking, we believe that you should learn the correct Nordic Walking technique before you invest in poles.

We import 'Exel' and 'Mountain to Sea' Nordic Walking poles into New Zealand.  Exel is the original company that developed Nordic Walking in its modern form.

We suggest you contact one of our New Zealand qualified Instructors listed on the Instructor's page to help you make the right selection for you.  The instructors will introduce you to Nordic Walking and assist you to purchase correctly sized poles or any of the other equipment listed below.

For further information, please contact: 0274 383 923.

Mountain to Sea (MtoS) "Sport" or "Stride"

For Fitness-Focussed Individuals

(Training 3 - 5+ times per week)

  • The "Sport" Nordic Walking pole is perfectly suited for the athletically-minded who are focussed on fitness. 
  • The "Sport" pole has a high carbon content which significantly aids shock absorption. Also light in weight, an important factor to consider in reducing shoulder and neck strain.
  • The "Sport" is fitted with the NW-CR handle and strap, which provides excellent support for the hand and wrist, ensuring blood supply to the hand is maintained.  This strap, combined with the lightness of the pole, assists with applying the correct swing technique to maximise power and stride length.
  • Fixed length poles are the first choice recommendation of Nordic Walking specialists.  Replacement asphalt paws are readily available.
  • "Sport" available in 105cm, 110cm, 115cm, 120cm & 125cm lengths.  Colour: Inca Gold
  • "Stride" available in 105cm length.  Colour: Santiago Red

$199 GST incl.


MtoS Inca Gold Poles (2) fine tuned_opt.jpg(larger)


Ratings Features Shock Absorption Handle Swing
  StarStarStarStar StarStarStarStarStar-half StarStarStarStar StarStarStarStarStar

Mountain to Sea (MtoS) "Adjust"

Adjustable For Travellers

  • We recommend that the best pole, for stability and power, is a one-piece pole. 
  • However, for people who are travelling and still want to be able to Nordic Walk, then the MtoS "Adjust" Nordic Walking is the solution.
  • The poles are adjustable in length - therefore, one size fits all.
  • Equipped with comfortable Nordic Walking straps, durable carbide metal tips for off-road use and removable natural rubber boot-shaped Nordic Walking fitness tips/asphalt paws for hard surfaces.
  • Thermo-grip handle and strap for all around hand support and pole control (NB:current stock no longer has the cork insert on handle)
  • These poles adjust in length from 61cm to 125cm and fit into most smaller suitcases - (many twist-lock poles do not). 
  • Replacement asphalt paws are readily available. 
  • Colour: Combination cobalt blue/charcoal
  • NB: Photo is representative of current stock Adjust Poles

    $209 GST incl.


Ratings Features Shock Absorption Handle Swing
   StarStarStarStar  StarStarStar-half  StarStarStarStar  StarStarStar

The Nordic Walking Asphalt Paw & Spike Tip


The lightweight and sleek Control Asphalt Paw is made from the same material as car tires for excellent grip.  The Control Asphalt Paw provides maximum grip throughout all stages of the pole cadence and can be relied upon whatever the weather conditions.  The paw effectively absorbs pole impact when walking on hard surfaces. It comes as a regular accessory with the Nordic Walking poles. The Asphalt Paw should be removed when used on soft surfaces, such as grass, dirt or sand, exposing the spike tip which works best on the softer surfaces.

Please keep in mind that the Paws gradually wear and should be replaced when there is very little surface material left. Replacement Paws can be obtained by contacting:




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