26 Oct 16
"The Whole Body Walks"
Walking is "Controlled Falling"
"The Whole Body Walks"
Walking is often described as "controlled falling". Because humans are the only mammal to stand erect, we have to maintain balance and equilibrium within our tall, straight and largely unstable body structure. In comparison to our height, our feet are very small, holding us upright against gravity, moving us forward, side-to-side and backwards. To help stablise our movement, walking requires us to have one foot on the ground for approximately 60% of the time.
Sight, balance and sensation must communicate together, to achieve what we tend to regard as a simple movement. As many of you know, we don't walk very well, at all. We move our legs, but don't generally engage the torso. It is not until you experience Nordic Walking that you become aware of the flaws in this basic form of locomotion. The torso movement is critical to ensure that our lower joints are not overloaded with our body weight and to maintain flexibility within the spinal structures.
Nordic Walking provides improved stability and torso activation. The pole plant, along with the heel-toe gait, provides a stable triangular base for the carriage of the body (as seen in the photo of the woman).
Nordic Walking Refresher Workshop
Saturday November 12
As we head in to the warmer months, everyone's activity starts to take on a renewed focus.
Join us for this Nordic Walking refresher workshop. Reconnect and review your Nordic Walking technique to ensure you are getting the best out of your body.
The workshop will cover: Improvements to Posture, Nordic Walking technique, Walking (without poles), Pole Yoga Stretches
Nordic Walking
Research Continues to Praise the Benefits of Nordic Walking
27 trials and studies involving nearly 2000 patients concluded that Nordic Walking exerts beneficial health effects to a wide range of people and is superior to brisk walking. Benefits include:
- Resting heart rate
- Blood pressure
- Exercise capacity
- Oxygen consumption
- Quality of life
- Improved quality of life in patients with various diseases
- Superior to jogging (at some endpoints)
Nordic walking can be recommended to a wide range of people as a primary and secondary health prevention strategy
Waiheke Walking Festival
Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 November 2016
Saturday 11:30am at Oneroa Beach
Ever wondered what those poles were all about and how they work? Do you have friends who would like to give-it-a-go? This is the perfect opportunity to try Nordic Walking on one of Waiheke's best beaches. All poles supplied.
Sunday 9:00am at Matiatia Wharf
Calling all experienced Nordic walkers to join one of two guided coastal walks. Estimated duration is 90 mins or 2 1/2 hours. This is a must-do event on the Nordic calendar! Bookings are required at the following link:
Women's Health Initiative
Low-Fat Diet Not a Cure-All
For the past three years, there has been an enormous amount of scrutiny around the food pyramid and its devastating effects on obesity and health.
49,000 woman participated in an 8 year "low-fat, high-starch diet" (as recommended by the USDA food pyramid). The "Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial" showed that this diet was 'inadequate for weight loss or prevention of heart disease or some cancers' (Havard School of Public Health). Throughout many countries, there has been a ground-swell of change, as consumers become better informed. In many cases, scientific research has been shown to have been manipulated and contrary research simply not published.
The Achilles' Heel of Successful Weight Management
The Myth of the Food Pyramid
"Dieting" can be a dreaded word in our vocabulary, evoking thoughts and actions of strict discipline, denial and often failure. There is increasing evidence to suggest that the dietary recommendations of the past 50 years have set us up to fail. Not only has obesity increased, but also the preventable disease, Type II diabetes.
As we need to eat for our survival, making long-lasting dietary changes can challenge us. The first step in successful change begins with an understanding of how different foods react within the body, especially those foods which are addictive, causing us to eat more and more.
Are you struggling with your own weight control? How often do you eat during the day because you are not feeling satiated? Do you have more fat around your tummy than you would like? Are we living in a society that expects to have health problems as we age?
These questions will be discussed at the following information evening:
- "The Achilles' Heel of Successful Weight Management"
- Monday 14 November 2016
- 7:30pm (Venue TBA - Auckland)
- $20
- Register to: junestevenson@NordicKiwi.co.nz
Newsletter Archives
16 Nov 21:
Lockdown Lethargy
13 May 20:
Exercise as Medicine
01 May 20:
"In Your Bubble" Challenge
14 Apr 20:
C-19 Lock-down Health and Fitness
23 Jan 19:
The Smarter Way to Exercise
26 Oct 16: "The Whole Body Walks"
13 Jun 16:
The Third Age
11 Feb 16:
Summer/Autumn Events 2016
11 Feb 16:
Summer/Autumn Events 2016
20 Dec 15:
Christmas Edition
22 Jul 15:
Every Mile is Two in Winter
07 Jan 15:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Self Supporting Behaviour
09 May 14:
Nordic Walking Day Topics - Weight, Weather & Walking
24 Apr 14:
Weight Control & Nordic Walking
26 Mar 14:
Newsletter - Autumn 2014
10 Feb 14:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Welcome to 2014
17 Dec 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - 7 Christmas 2013
08 Nov 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Summer 2013
19 Aug 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Spring 2013
06 Jun 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Winter 2013
10 May 13:
World Nordic Walking Day 2013 Newsletter
28 Mar 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Autumn 2013
14 Dec 12:
Newsletter Summer 2012:
25 Oct 12:
Here's our new newsletter for Spring 2012: