16 Nov 21
Lockdown Lethargy

Lockdown Lethargy
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day ..."
(Shakespeare - Macbeth)

While unfortunate, referring to covid-19 forms the basis of this newsletter. I hope you have been navigating your way through the limitations to your lifestyle, and are generally fit and well.
The quote of William Shakespeare's is an apt summary for the dreariness of the continued lockdown, particularly if you have caught up on all your "rainy-day" jobs. I completed most of mine during the previous lock-downs, so I have been reflecting on the state of reduced stimulus and the need to get work done. It is easy to languish, as tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow have been available to spread things out to.
I began to wonder if this languid state could have similarities to being imprisoned or unemployed, where there is lowered motivation, to get up, go to work, attend meetings or club and social activities. The multiple stimuli in our daily lives is deadened down, and this petty pace creeps in from day to day.
In the following section, I have written some further information about the need for stimulus and some options you might like to consider.
Stay safe, fit and healthy.

Brain Stimuli

Exercise: Walking provides a complex neurological stimulus and Nordic Walking naturally enhances this, incorporating the use of the upper body.
Forest Bathing: Started in Japan during the 1980's, this 'ecotheraphy' has physiological and psychological benefits. https://time.com/5259602/japanese-forest-bathing
Love your gut: Research links our gut health with the brain. On occassion, consider giving your gut a rest, by finishing dinner early and having brunch the next day, rather than both breakfast and lunch.
Non-dominant hand use: Hands are like 'mini-brains', involving two-thirds of the sensory part of the brain.
Quizzes: Stimulates memory and mental agility and the buzz when you get the question right!
Jigsaws: Hand-eye movement, memory, concentration.

“What stands in the way becomes the way” ― Marcus Aurelius

The unpredictable and increasing nature of the covid-19 virus, has meant the curtailing of our activities, which may lead to boredom, demotivation, tiredness and a lackadaisical feeling. Uncertainty about employment, financial pressures, homeschooling children and the future outlook also amplify these feelings, and we are bombarded by anxiety-causing language:
The restrictions of our activities has reduced our brains exposure to positive stimulus, and many physiological and psychological changes may be experienced, including:
Understanding that the stimulus of the brain has been reduced, may provide a turning point to manage lockdown fatigue and enable us to return to self-supporting behaviours. This does rely on our intrinsic motivation, which may have to be coaxed out of 'isolation' by understanding the brain's response, as once you do something you often feel better.
Aurelius' quote is paradoxical. The thing we see so clearly as a barrier actually provides the solution to overcome that barrier and the path forward.

Newsletter Archives
16 Nov 21: Lockdown Lethargy
13 May 20:
Exercise as Medicine
01 May 20:
"In Your Bubble" Challenge
14 Apr 20:
C-19 Lock-down Health and Fitness
23 Jan 19:
The Smarter Way to Exercise
26 Oct 16:
"The Whole Body Walks"
13 Jun 16:
The Third Age
11 Feb 16:
Summer/Autumn Events 2016
11 Feb 16:
Summer/Autumn Events 2016
20 Dec 15:
Christmas Edition
22 Jul 15:
Every Mile is Two in Winter
07 Jan 15:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Self Supporting Behaviour
09 May 14:
Nordic Walking Day Topics - Weight, Weather & Walking
24 Apr 14:
Weight Control & Nordic Walking
26 Mar 14:
Newsletter - Autumn 2014
10 Feb 14:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Welcome to 2014
17 Dec 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - 7 Christmas 2013
08 Nov 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Summer 2013
19 Aug 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Spring 2013
06 Jun 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Winter 2013
10 May 13:
World Nordic Walking Day 2013 Newsletter
28 Mar 13:
Nordic Walking Newsletter - Autumn 2013
14 Dec 12:
Newsletter Summer 2012:
25 Oct 12:
Here's our new newsletter for Spring 2012: